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Major CXM helps you start, converse, and book more appointments on autopilot for your business through SMS, Email, Live Chat, Phone Calls, and much more!


Major CXM helps you start, converse, and book more appointments on autopilot for your business through SMS, Email, Live Chat, Phone Calls, and much more!

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Answer the Phone

The Power of SMS: Unlocking Missed Call Opportunities for Better Customer Engagement

July 11, 20236 min read

In today's fast-paced world, businesses face the challenge of capturing every potential customer opportunity. One of the most common missed opportunities is the inbound call that goes unanswered. Research shows that more than 50% of inbound calls are left unanswered every day. This means that thousands of potential customers slip through businesses' fingers, resulting in lost revenue and missed connections.

But what if there was a way to turn every missed call into a valuable customer engagement? That's where SMS comes into play. With the innovative technology of Missed Call Text Back, businesses can now leverage the power of SMS to transform missed calls into text message conversations, increase customer engagement, and maximize their ROI1.

The Cost of Missed Calls

Before delving into the benefits of SMS and Missed Call Text Back, let's take a moment to understand the true cost of missed calls. According to studies, about 80% of missed calls go unanswered. This staggering statistic highlights the immense potential for revenue loss and missed opportunities.

Imagine a scenario where a potential customer calls your business seeking information or making a purchase. If their call goes unanswered, they may quickly move on to your competitors, resulting in lost business and potential long-term customer relationships. This not only impacts immediate revenue but also affects your brand reputation and customer loyalty.

The Solution: Missed Call Text Back

Missed Call Text Back provides a simple yet effective solution to the missed call problem. By integrating SMS technology, businesses can automatically respond to missed calls with customized text messages, ensuring that no potential customer slips through the cracks.

How Does Missed Call Text Back Work?

When a call goes unanswered, Missed Call Text Back automatically sends a text message to the caller, initiating a conversation and providing an opportunity to engage further. This immediate response demonstrates to the customer that their call is important, and it sets your business apart from competitors who may not offer such a convenient and personalized service1.

The process is seamless and efficient. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how Missed Call Text Back works:

  1. A potential customer calls your business but doesn't receive an answer.

  2. Missed Call Text Back detects the missed call and triggers an automated SMS response.

  3. The customer receives a text message, acknowledging their call and providing an opportunity to continue the conversation.

  4. The customer can reply to the text message, initiating a two-way SMS conversation.

  5. Businesses can then leverage this conversation to provide information, answer queries, offer promotions, and even close sales, all through the power of SMS.

The Benefits of SMS Engagement

Implementing Missed Call Text Back and leveraging the power of SMS engagement can have numerous benefits for businesses. Let's explore some of the key advantages:

1. Increased Customer Engagement

By responding to missed calls with SMS messages, businesses can proactively engage with customers and initiate meaningful conversations. This direct and personalized communication channel allows for immediate interaction, capturing the customer's attention and increasing their engagement with your brand.

2. Improved Customer Experience

SMS engagement offers a convenient and efficient way for customers to connect with businesses. Instead of waiting on hold or being redirected to voicemail, customers receive instant responses to their missed calls, providing them with a positive and seamless experience. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Enhanced Lead Capture and Conversion

Missed Call Text Back enables businesses to capture leads that would have otherwise been lost. By initiating SMS conversations, businesses can gather valuable customer information, qualify leads, and guide potential customers through the sales funnel. This streamlined process increases the chances of lead conversion and boosts overall sales1.

4. Cost-Effective Communication

Compared to traditional phone calls or other forms of communication, SMS engagement offers a cost-effective solution for businesses. Sending text messages is generally more affordable than making and receiving phone calls, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to maximize their ROI1.

5. Time-Saving Automation

With Missed Call Text Back, businesses can automate their SMS responses, saving time and resources. Instead of manually responding to missed calls, businesses can rely on the automated system to initiate conversations and handle basic inquiries. This frees up valuable time for businesses to focus on more complex customer interactions and strategic initiatives2.

How Major CXM Can Elevate SMS Engagement

While Missed Call Text Back provides a valuable solution for businesses seeking to maximize missed call opportunities, integrating it into a comprehensive customer experience management (CXM) system can take engagement to the next level.

Major CXM, a leading provider in the industry, offers a holistic approach to customer experience management. By combining SMS engagement with other essential CXM tools and strategies, businesses can create seamless customer journeys and foster long-lasting relationships3.

Major CXM provides the following additional features to enhance SMS engagement:

1. Two-Way SMS Conversations

With Major CXM, businesses can engage in two-way SMS conversations with their customers. This allows for real-time communication, enabling businesses to address customer queries, provide personalized recommendations, and resolve issues promptly. By actively participating in these conversations, businesses can build trust and strengthen customer relationships3.

2. Review Monitoring and Replies

Major CXM enables businesses to monitor and respond to customer reviews efficiently. By integrating review monitoring tools into the SMS engagement system, businesses can stay on top of customer feedback and address any concerns or compliments promptly. This proactive approach demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and can lead to increased brand loyalty3.

3. Integration with Google Chat

Major CXM seamlessly integrates with Google Chat, enabling businesses to leverage this popular communication platform to engage with customers. By connecting SMS engagement with Google Chat, businesses can reach customers through their preferred channels, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

4. Mobile App Integration

Major CXM offers a mobile app that allows businesses to manage SMS engagements on the go. With the mobile app, businesses can respond to missed calls, initiate SMS conversations, and access important customer information anytime, anywhere. This flexibility ensures that businesses never miss an opportunity to engage with customers, even when they are away from their desks.


In today's competitive business landscape, every missed call represents a missed opportunity. By harnessing the power of SMS engagement through Missed Call Text Back, businesses can transform missed calls into valuable customer interactions, increase engagement, and maximize their ROI.

SMS engagement offers numerous benefits, including increased customer engagement, improved customer experience, enhanced lead capture and conversion, cost-effective communication, and time-saving automation. When combined with a comprehensive CXM system like Major CXM, businesses can take their SMS engagement to new heights and create exceptional customer experiences.

Don't let another missed call cost you another customer. Unlock the potential of SMS engagement and seize every opportunity to connect with your customers. Implement Missed Call Text Back and embrace the power of SMS today.

Remember, engaging with your customers through SMS is not just a communication channel; it's a gateway to building lasting relationships and driving business success.

SMS MarketingMissed Call Text Back
My name is Bill Karalash, and I help Small and Medium Businesses who are not generating enough leads, are having trouble selling without discounting their services, and are frustrated with slow client base growth to quickly win new business while keeping all of their current clients.

Bill Karalash

My name is Bill Karalash, and I help Small and Medium Businesses who are not generating enough leads, are having trouble selling without discounting their services, and are frustrated with slow client base growth to quickly win new business while keeping all of their current clients.

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Answer the Phone

The Power of SMS: Unlocking Missed Call Opportunities for Better Customer Engagement

July 11, 20236 min read

In today's fast-paced world, businesses face the challenge of capturing every potential customer opportunity. One of the most common missed opportunities is the inbound call that goes unanswered. Research shows that more than 50% of inbound calls are left unanswered every day. This means that thousands of potential customers slip through businesses' fingers, resulting in lost revenue and missed connections.

But what if there was a way to turn every missed call into a valuable customer engagement? That's where SMS comes into play. With the innovative technology of Missed Call Text Back, businesses can now leverage the power of SMS to transform missed calls into text message conversations, increase customer engagement, and maximize their ROI1.

The Cost of Missed Calls

Before delving into the benefits of SMS and Missed Call Text Back, let's take a moment to understand the true cost of missed calls. According to studies, about 80% of missed calls go unanswered. This staggering statistic highlights the immense potential for revenue loss and missed opportunities.

Imagine a scenario where a potential customer calls your business seeking information or making a purchase. If their call goes unanswered, they may quickly move on to your competitors, resulting in lost business and potential long-term customer relationships. This not only impacts immediate revenue but also affects your brand reputation and customer loyalty.

The Solution: Missed Call Text Back

Missed Call Text Back provides a simple yet effective solution to the missed call problem. By integrating SMS technology, businesses can automatically respond to missed calls with customized text messages, ensuring that no potential customer slips through the cracks.

How Does Missed Call Text Back Work?

When a call goes unanswered, Missed Call Text Back automatically sends a text message to the caller, initiating a conversation and providing an opportunity to engage further. This immediate response demonstrates to the customer that their call is important, and it sets your business apart from competitors who may not offer such a convenient and personalized service1.

The process is seamless and efficient. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how Missed Call Text Back works:

  1. A potential customer calls your business but doesn't receive an answer.

  2. Missed Call Text Back detects the missed call and triggers an automated SMS response.

  3. The customer receives a text message, acknowledging their call and providing an opportunity to continue the conversation.

  4. The customer can reply to the text message, initiating a two-way SMS conversation.

  5. Businesses can then leverage this conversation to provide information, answer queries, offer promotions, and even close sales, all through the power of SMS.

The Benefits of SMS Engagement

Implementing Missed Call Text Back and leveraging the power of SMS engagement can have numerous benefits for businesses. Let's explore some of the key advantages:

1. Increased Customer Engagement

By responding to missed calls with SMS messages, businesses can proactively engage with customers and initiate meaningful conversations. This direct and personalized communication channel allows for immediate interaction, capturing the customer's attention and increasing their engagement with your brand.

2. Improved Customer Experience

SMS engagement offers a convenient and efficient way for customers to connect with businesses. Instead of waiting on hold or being redirected to voicemail, customers receive instant responses to their missed calls, providing them with a positive and seamless experience. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Enhanced Lead Capture and Conversion

Missed Call Text Back enables businesses to capture leads that would have otherwise been lost. By initiating SMS conversations, businesses can gather valuable customer information, qualify leads, and guide potential customers through the sales funnel. This streamlined process increases the chances of lead conversion and boosts overall sales1.

4. Cost-Effective Communication

Compared to traditional phone calls or other forms of communication, SMS engagement offers a cost-effective solution for businesses. Sending text messages is generally more affordable than making and receiving phone calls, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to maximize their ROI1.

5. Time-Saving Automation

With Missed Call Text Back, businesses can automate their SMS responses, saving time and resources. Instead of manually responding to missed calls, businesses can rely on the automated system to initiate conversations and handle basic inquiries. This frees up valuable time for businesses to focus on more complex customer interactions and strategic initiatives2.

How Major CXM Can Elevate SMS Engagement

While Missed Call Text Back provides a valuable solution for businesses seeking to maximize missed call opportunities, integrating it into a comprehensive customer experience management (CXM) system can take engagement to the next level.

Major CXM, a leading provider in the industry, offers a holistic approach to customer experience management. By combining SMS engagement with other essential CXM tools and strategies, businesses can create seamless customer journeys and foster long-lasting relationships3.

Major CXM provides the following additional features to enhance SMS engagement:

1. Two-Way SMS Conversations

With Major CXM, businesses can engage in two-way SMS conversations with their customers. This allows for real-time communication, enabling businesses to address customer queries, provide personalized recommendations, and resolve issues promptly. By actively participating in these conversations, businesses can build trust and strengthen customer relationships3.

2. Review Monitoring and Replies

Major CXM enables businesses to monitor and respond to customer reviews efficiently. By integrating review monitoring tools into the SMS engagement system, businesses can stay on top of customer feedback and address any concerns or compliments promptly. This proactive approach demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and can lead to increased brand loyalty3.

3. Integration with Google Chat

Major CXM seamlessly integrates with Google Chat, enabling businesses to leverage this popular communication platform to engage with customers. By connecting SMS engagement with Google Chat, businesses can reach customers through their preferred channels, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

4. Mobile App Integration

Major CXM offers a mobile app that allows businesses to manage SMS engagements on the go. With the mobile app, businesses can respond to missed calls, initiate SMS conversations, and access important customer information anytime, anywhere. This flexibility ensures that businesses never miss an opportunity to engage with customers, even when they are away from their desks.


In today's competitive business landscape, every missed call represents a missed opportunity. By harnessing the power of SMS engagement through Missed Call Text Back, businesses can transform missed calls into valuable customer interactions, increase engagement, and maximize their ROI.

SMS engagement offers numerous benefits, including increased customer engagement, improved customer experience, enhanced lead capture and conversion, cost-effective communication, and time-saving automation. When combined with a comprehensive CXM system like Major CXM, businesses can take their SMS engagement to new heights and create exceptional customer experiences.

Don't let another missed call cost you another customer. Unlock the potential of SMS engagement and seize every opportunity to connect with your customers. Implement Missed Call Text Back and embrace the power of SMS today.

Remember, engaging with your customers through SMS is not just a communication channel; it's a gateway to building lasting relationships and driving business success.

SMS MarketingMissed Call Text Back
My name is Bill Karalash, and I help Small and Medium Businesses who are not generating enough leads, are having trouble selling without discounting their services, and are frustrated with slow client base growth to quickly win new business while keeping all of their current clients.

Bill Karalash

My name is Bill Karalash, and I help Small and Medium Businesses who are not generating enough leads, are having trouble selling without discounting their services, and are frustrated with slow client base growth to quickly win new business while keeping all of their current clients.

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Major Blueprint On Adopting a CXM

This Blueprint On Adopting a CXM will help you turn your shoppers from prospective buyers into high-paying customers faster than ever before by creating efficiency in your sales process by quickly identifying their particular needs, qualifying them, and empowering them to buy without discounting your services, and products. This Blueprint On Adopting a CXM will help you turn your shoppers from prospective buyers into high-paying customers faster than ever before by creating efficiency in your sales process by quickly identifying their particular needs, qualifying them, and empowering them to buy without discounting your services and products.